Jessica Berahmand-Owner/Licensed Esthetician at

Mar 3, 20193 min

Isn’t it true that saying “time marches on…”?

Updated: Aug 14, 2020

Isn’t it true that saying “time marches on…”? Fine lines, scarring, sun damage, and brown spots are often the first signs of that relentless march against our skin! Natural aging of the skin starts from around the age of 25! The repeated movement of your facial muscles, physical and environmental exposures such as the sun’s harmful rays, wind, pollution and diet add more stress and slow down the cellular regeneration process, causing the skin to start losing its elasticity and vitality more rapidly!

25 guys….

BUT you are ahead of the game you know why? Because you got me :) Because you got an Esthetician on your side fighting the good fight for ya! 💪 And she’s doing it with a small but powerful tool called a Microneedling Pen! If you have seen me in the last 3 months you may have already heard me rave about this treatment already…. Only because I truly believe in it. Ladies you can’t afford not to start implementing Microneedling as your yearly skincare maintenance treatment.

What I love most about Microneedling is that we are working WITH the body. No need to inject anything into your skin or cause more harm than good with laser and chemical filled products. Micro-needling reduces the appearance of fine lines and aids in the production of collagen and elastin by producing controlled “micro-injuries” to the skin with fine needles. It can also improve the appearance of hyperpigmentation, uneven skin tone, traumatic scars and stretch marks and improves the skin’s texture, tone and color. Almost ALL skin types are going to benefit from this treatment.

In micro-needling, micro-channels are created which allow topical creams, gels and serums to be absorbed more effectively, enhancing their effect on the deeper layers of the skin. The skin’s repair process results in a thicker epidermis and a softer appearance of wrinkles.

Micro-needling can be used on all parts of the body: face, neck, arms, hands, legs, abdomen, décolleté, and back.

How is it done?

A topical anesthetic cream is applied to the treatment area and left on for 30 minutes. The skin is then thoroughly cleansed before beginning the procedure.

A sterile cartridge containing 12 tiny micro-needles is attached to the needling pen.

The pen is pressed against your skin and gently guided over the treatment area multiple times. The treatment process usually lasts 30-40 minutes for a full-face procedure.

A series of treatments spaced 4 weeks apart is recommended for the best results.

How does it feel?

The feeling associated with micro-needling is similar to sandpaper being moved across the skin. Some areas may be more sensitive than others. The depth of the needling tip can be adjusted to make the treatment more comfortable.

What is the downtime?

Immediately following the treatment you will notice a bright redness to your skin and possibly a sun burn look to the skin.

The skin should be kept clean and free of all skin care products and makeup for the first 12 hours after treatment.

The total healing time can vary depending on the depth of treatment and the number of passes done. You may be red for two to four days, but some patients heal completely in 24 hours.

Visible changes to your skin will become evident over the next several weeks and can continue to improve for up to six months following treatment.

#microneedling #antiaging #acnescarring #acne #collagen #wrinkles #marchspecial