Jessica Berahmand

Jan 1, 20213 min

Are these skincare devices really worth the hype?

There are some skin care gadgets you should avoid using at home, some of them simply aren’t powerful enough to be effective, while others can actually leave your skin in worse shape.

Navigating the internet for the latest and greatest skincare tools isn’t really as easy as sampling a lipstick or perfume. And then of course there is the price. Oh yes the glorious $300 gold derma roller. *roll eyes*

So to save you some time and money let’s dive into the question “ is this worth it? “

1. Facial Cleansing Brushes

Be careful with this one, Some claim to provide a deeper cleanse but they can really do more damage than good. “The bristles can cause tiny tears on the skin that aren’t visible to the human eye, but over time can lead to sensitizing skin,” says Joshua Ross, celebrity esthetician.


2. Derma Rollers

Microneedling also known as Collagen Induction Therapy is one of the most popular skin care treatments of the moment, but at-home derma rollers shouldn’t be used at home. Repeat should not be used at home.

Dermatologists and Estheticians are highly against using the tools at home because the needles aren’t big enough to penetrate the proper holes into skin, so you’re essentially creating tears in your skin and damaging your face for no reason. Without proper sterilization, derma rollers can harbor harmful bacteria causing infections, breakouts and can trigger skin conditions such as rosacea, which causes redness and bumps on the face; eczema, itchy inflammation spots; and melasma, brown patches on the skin.


3. Jade Rollers

One of the best parts of face rolling is that it really can be done wherever and whenever you want, for however long you want. Jade rollers are a quick pick-up results can be seen in seconds. You can do it on clean, dry skin, over your makeup, or on top of your skincare products—Just lightly roll upwards and outwards, always aiming for the temples and front of the ears, towards where your body's lymphatic drainage points are. Jade rollers get my stamp of approval for home care tools. They are safe and effective! That goes for gua sha tools too!


4. Extractors

This one I am on the fence. Extractors are helpful tools to remove clogged pores. But if over used and or with poor technique you are going to cause more damage than good once again. I would say if you are going to get one book a facial with me and I would love to teach your proper technique for use.


7. Blackhead Vacuums

Did you know a good ol’ fashion facial cleansing can give you the same result as a fancy facial vacuum? Those facial vacuums are only superficially removing oils and dead skin. So safe your money there and just invest in a good cleanser.

Plus, these devices can cause damage like bruising, redness, and inflammation.

There are much more effective (and inexpensive) strategies for keeping blackheads at bay, including seeing your Esthetician monthly, OTC salicylic acid cleansers, topical retinoids, charcoal face masks, and washing off your makeup before bed.


Don't get me wrong some of these devices and tools can improve your skin but remember there is a reason why you need a license to be a Professional Skin Expert.

Because if you want those results you can’t get them at home.

It helps some, but you need to see a Professional Esthetician who knows how to work those tools and has access to more effective ones.

Have question?! Leave them down below in the comments!